In a bit of a turnabout, robot-fighter Brian Austin Green (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles) will be a guest star on The CW's Smallville, playing a killer cyborg named Metallo, E! Online's Watch With Kristin reported....
This summer, the Force will be with you when Adult Swim releases Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode II to DVD on July 21....
DreamWorks Animation is pushing forward with a new untitled ghost project that is competing for a fourth-quarter 2012 release slot, according to The Hollywood Reporter; the project, referred to internally as Boo U., recently picked up writer Jon Vitti and centers on a ghost who is bad at his job and must return to ghost school....
Muzzled!, the third episode of Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures video games, is now available online for PC for $8.95 individually or $34.95 as part of the four-episode Wallace & Gromit bundle.
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